IChooseJohn.com came into being out of the hope to share with the world, via the internet, the stories and reasons many Americans have about how they have come to support John Edwards for President and why they think you should too.
While we have already looked into the candidates and decided to support John, we understand that there are MANY Americans still unsure of who to support in the coming Primaries and ultimately the General Election in November. It's the hope of this site to provide you with help in finding information on John Edwards and to allow you to read testimonials from supporters of John Edwards who would like to share how and why they came to support John Reid Edwards for President so that you are better able to make an informed decision.
There are many choices available in this election and we encourage you to look at them ALL in depth and draw your own conclusions as to who you think has the experience to bring about REAL and meaningful change in America.
What issues are important to you? Health Care? The Economy? The Environment? Ending the war in Iraq? Poverty in America? Look into the issues that matter the most to you and then see who has provided specifics on how to address those issues and not just paid them lip service.
We hope you'll read and listen to the candidates, ask questions of them, and determine for yourself who is being straight with you and who is just posturing, who you can trust, who will fight for YOU and your family, and who will be a President you can once again be proud of.
We want you to do all your research because when you're done looking at the many choices out there, we believe you too will say "I CHOOSE JOHN!"
Share your testimonial by clicking the comment link below.
As one of the 47 million uninsured Americans who wants insurance but can't afford it, I was mortified as I watched the Republican debate Saturday evening. I could not believe when they said most of the uninsured CAN afford insurance but DO NOT want it. I do not believe that at all! For example, my father, and people with his condition of kidney failure, will DIE without help. It is simple; if you can't afford dialysis, you DIE. It costs thousands of dollars A month. Medicare does not pay for all of it, insurance-if you can even find any that covers 'pre-existing conditions' doesn't cover all of it. Also, I had a tumor in 06. Without insurance back when I had my tumor,I would be near death. Though it was benign, the submandibular salivary gland tumor would have continued to grow and crushed my airway. What if I had NOT had insurance then? Once my father's illness forced him to go on disability the premiums for our insurance went up so much that we could no longer have insurance. Some of you may say this can never happen to you, but it can. Believe me, it can.
I also endorse John Edwards because he has spent his life fighting for those who can't fight for themselves. All you have to do is look at the cases he has won throughout his career as a lawyer.
John will work to restore America's moral leadership in the world, fight to end our dependency on foreign oil, fight for the environment-in case you don't know, our Co2 levels are now over 400 degrees! John will create more jobs for Americans, he will help make it possible for people to attend college when their financial resources do not allow them to, and sooo much more!
John is also happily married to an amazing, strong, and brilliant woman, Elizabeth. She inspires everyone she touches. Elizabeth would make the best first lady. Her book, Saving Graces, is one of the most amazing books that I have EVER read.
I choose John Edwards because I am the face of America that he talks about helping. I am a married 38 year old mother of 3 children, my husband and I both work and we cannot afford health insurance. I am lucky enough that my kids qualified for the state childrens health insurance program (not medicaid). I am so worried about my oldest son who is severely diabetic, when he no longer qualifies as a child, what will he do for health insurance? If I get sick, will I leave my children without a mother? This is America and we are supposed to be better than that, but we arent and John Edwards wants to change that. I hear him speak and I think...finally someone understands, someone gets it! I truly believe that he is our only hope to get something done in this country, when I hear him speak of what he wants to do for us I cry because I am so greatful that he understands the needs of the working middle class, he understands what we need as a country. I will support John Edwards all the way, I wont give up on him because he is behind in the polls, I truly believe if people will just listen too him they too would understand why we need this man as president!
I'm a registered republican who is giving my full support to John Edwards.
Over recent years it has become abundantly clear to me that America is not being run by either the democrat or republican parties in office. It is being run by big corporations via well funded lobbyists. This scenario has been allowed to grow due to the voter apathy in our country.
Setting aside my dislike for a current president's policies on many issues; the Halliburton fiasco and the WMD lie really seamed it for me. I'm tired of being ashamed of my country! I'm old enough to remember a time when the U.S.A. stood for truth and freedom. I want that feeling again and I want my children to be able to feel that pride too!
I've chosen to support the one candidate who had the integrity to refuse lobbyist's money.I've chosen a candidate who was the first to admit he was wrong to vote support for the war. That showed a tremendous amount of courage and a humility that has often been overlooked in Senator Edwards. I've also chosen the one person whom I believe has the intestinal fortitude to get us back on the path to the "We the People" nation that our forefathers intended.
This republican is first and foremost an American. I will cast my vote accordingly. Go John Go!
I support John Edwards for President because of my diabetic grandson, who will find it nearly impossible to get insurance as an adult. For my boss who can't have back surgery at the hospital his doctor chooses, but at the doctor the insurance company chooses. For my friends and their children who don't have and cannot get health insurance because of health conditions they didn't choose and cannot control. For all of us who are sick and tired of seeing corporations treated like people and people treated like fodder. For my grandchildren and yours, who deserve the cleanest and safest air, water and earth we can leave for them. For all of us.
This Is Our Country
I remember when I applied for Financial Aid for college, I was denied any assistance. Why? My Father made too much money. Really? Boy, was that a surprise to my Father who was working 14 hour days at a factory to support his family.
I remember when my 2nd husband wanted to pull rank and took me off his health insurance. I attempted to get health insurance for myself but I was denied. Why? I had a pre-existing condition. So, I could not get health insurance because I needed health insurance.
I remember when I was so excited when the Democrats gained control of Congress. I had faith that our representatives would begin to put an end to Bush's rubber stamp of everything. Why? Because we voted to stop Bush's control and we won. Unfortunately, the raping of our country continues without any accountability.
I remember when I believed that my Father, my health, OUR COUNTRY were important. Why? Because I researched all of the candidates running for president and heard the message of John Edwards. John Edwards heard my Father, cared about my health, understood what the voters were saying in 2006.
Now, you all know that if there is anyone who would vote for an African American or a woman, it would be me. You all know I am not racist or sexist. Actually, I am not really a fan of WASPs as a group so if I have any prejudice in my soul, it is against WASPs. I live my life this way and am not afraid to admit it. And, I call people on their racist and sexist shit.
So, I am asked, "Teri, you seem to be a person who would be supporting Obama or Clinton. Why Edwards?" I admit. It is a bit ironic. Let me tell you why.
Take race and sex out of the equation. That is how I live my life. I do not judge people on their race or sex and I will not start now. Are we ready for an African American or Female President? Hell yeah. Absolutely. We are, also, ready for a President who will not play political games which don't look out for my Dad, my health, my fellow citizens. I cannot support a candidate who has accepted money from the very organizations who do not care about us. Obama and Clinton both have to answer to the political machines which run this country. Edwards does not. He answers to us. To my Dad. To me. To you.
But, that is his very downfall. He is trying to help us. Yes, US. The major corporations......which includes the media........don't like Edwards. They don't like us either. They like money. Therefore, the major money comes pouring in to the Obama and Clinton campaigns. That way their interests will be protected.
But, think about my Dad. He worked hard.....I mean fucking hard.....to raise his family. He is okay financially right now. He is not Oprah or Magic Johnson rich. He is just a guy. A hard working, retired guy. I am not rich. I am okay but I am a struggling single woman. I don't have contacts or a large bankroll. I am just a woman.
I want to see light at the end of this tunnel and John Edwards was a glimmer of hope to me. Sure, I heard Obama speak and he sounds great. I like him. I am excited about his future in our government. And who is more about holding hands and making nice more than me? But, reality is important here. It is my very sincere opinion that it is not his time. Not yet. His quick rise to fame did not come without serious backing. Big money backing. I understand that is part of life and the big political game. That being said, he has not reached the time in his career where he can stand on his own without kissing ass to the powers that be. When he reaches the point where he has earned his wings, I believe with all my heart he will be able make some serious change in our country as President. I love his message but he has not been around long enough to step in the White House and force both sides of the aisle to kiss and make up. It sounds great but I have heard the same thing so many times.
I would have had much more respect and faith that Obama could stir up the establishment if I ever witnessed him doing so. He has been a Senator and the only thing I have seen him do while a Senator is run for President. Why is he not taking this time to do something? Anything. I don't get it.
I like Clinton, too. I am as proud of her as I can be. To be honest, she is too conservative for me. She totally lost me on her vote regarding Iran. It has nothing to do with her husband, her "emotional"moment, her experience. It has to do with her views on the issues. I am not with her on those.
Now, I am with Edwards on his views. I respect him as a man, a husband, a father. I agree with his vision of America. I want my Father's voice to be heard.
There is, however,one more reason I am supporting Edwards. This is an IMPORTANT point. When polls are taken with Edwards head-to-head against the republican candidates, Edwards win against each of them. Edwards is the only democratic candidate who beats them all.
I am saddened that the powers that be are telling regular people, like me....like my Dad......that Edwards does not have a chance. Why would we, the people who are struggling to pay the electric bill, send a donation to a dying campaign?
The very people Edwards will help, can't help him. That is ironic.
I started my selection process with six democratic candidates and started whittling the list down. Crossed off Hillary because she was not a great communicator, had high negatives (sense of entitlement, arrogant), and was not a leader (like Bill, relies on polls to see where the winds blow). Crossed off Biden, although he was very experienced, because he tended to have gaffes and did not have much of a following. Crossed off Obama because of his lack of experience, doubts that he could win in the South, and am not that impressed with "hope" and being able to work out differences with a Republican party that is steeply monied, digs very deep trenches, and is totally ruthless. Obama is NOT out front on issues and tends to report on problems rather than solve them. Impressed by Richardson's resume, but was not impressed by his demeanor, and am suspicious of his ties to the Clintons and to Kissinger. Dennis Kucinich is too extreme, though he's right that being vegan is better for the earth and he's right about not going into Iraq.
Edwards has top-notch communication skills, is right about entrenched interests not giving up anything without a battle, and is a fearless leader without being arrogant. He could benefit from a thicker resume, but makes up for it by doing his homework and collecting skilled advisors. His positions on issues are closest to mine--get out of Iraq to avoid bankrupting the country, really work on global warming, invest in health and education, improve America's image in a fundamental way.
I am trying this one more time..I hope that Mr. John Edwards is elected President of the United States of America. Our country needs drastic changes in our government policies dealing with big business and their Lobbyiest!
As a 58 year old woman in business I have always voted as a Republican, although it is apparent that we are neither Democratic nor Republican..We need young blood in government, and in congress and the senate. it is time that we as a people united in goals to make our country as strong in force as in wealth. It won't happen unless we Unite and stand with Integrity, Honesty, and Honor! I am a native from Columbia, South Carolina...I have resided in Texas for over thirty years..I have seen more changes in imports and exports into our country that has distroyed our nations manufacturing, and our citizens workforce...We need changes and to implement these changes for the citizens of our country, we need "New Blood" in government. Please stand up and cast your vote for Mr. John Edwards of South Carolina.
I’d storm the gates of hell with John Edwards – and expect victory.
I have the great good fortune to post with grannyhelen, and I’ll piggyback a bit from her post “Why I’m Sticking With John Edwards”
http://www.progressivessouthbend.org/2008/01/why-im-sticking-with-john-edwards.html .
I should be clear that there is nothing she says that I differ with –other than my own circumstance, of course. My support of John Edwards though is highly visceral as well as intellectual. His campaign gets to who I am and the change I want to see in the world.
Aside from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., my only heroes up to now have been my parents.
Anyone who knew my father would describe him as person of high standards, possessing a fiery intellect and unquestioned integrity. Honesty was compulsory in our household, and my first and ongoing training in critical thinking took place at the dinner table every evening.
My mother spent many years working (for small stipends, at best) in Third World countries helping others better their lives – including stints in Guatemala, India and Peru. Her organization sponsors demonstration projects. These projects guide locals to available resources, provide volunteer labor and technical assistance, but the residents plan and implement the projects. They’re also expected to sponsor a project of their own for others.
The projects can be as simple as micro lending programs or as comprehensive as the transformation which took place in Conacaste, Guatemala.
A small mountain village, Conacaste had no running water, no electricity, etc. A good chunk of time was lost to the women of the village as they walked to the river (over a kilometer away) or other basic chores needed to keep their families going.
By the time my mother left, Conacaste had running water, electricity, new businesses and even a social club for the village women. She wrote a very enjoyable book “Between Two Worlds – The Human Side of Development” about her experiences.
People who have read my previous essays may remember my parents were active in the civil rights movement (and included me in the activity) and allowed me my own activism without interference when I was older.
There’s a lot more I could add, but I suspect you get the point. I come from very good people.
Now I have daughter who will turn five in March. Now it is my turn to set the example, to be the change I want to see in the world.
Four years ago, I discovered someone running for President of the United States who seems to feel as I do – someone who is impressed with the idea of doing what’s right, rather than what’s expedient or materially self enriching. Someone who could provide an example to others of the possibilities and was willing to the lead the fight to achieve them. He didn’t win, but I certainly didn’t forget John Edwards.
After he announced this effort from the ninth ward of New Orleans in December of 2006, spent a great deal of time investigating what he had been doing since 2004. He had clearly done a lot of soul searching about the Iraq War. He had toured the world – witnessing the abject poverty inherent in so much of it. He spoke to not just to leaders, but to the citizens as well. He had formed a poverty center – studying the issues and calling experts together to propose solutions.
This experience clearly has honed his world view. It seems very simple – yet most people either can’t grasp it, or don’t believe it. I’d put it this way: It is in our best interests not to (consistently) act in our own selfish interest.
Grannyhelen noted some of John Edwards’ detailed proposals – and he has a lot of them. I’d point out that if you look at them in their entirety, it’s clear that they form a tapestry to lift people from poverty, keep those not in poverty – but threatened with it – from slipping into it and reclaim our role as an important, responsible world citizen. Or put it another way, to recognize the advantages he (and I) have had, and pay it forward.
I see what’s great about my country and the people I hold dear in The Campaign To Change America.
And if you missed the short video “Challenge The System: The Edwards Movement Is Growing”, click the link below. It is powerful.
And by the way, take the title of this piece literally.
Don Wheeler
South Bend, IN
So sorry, in my comment I said you are an ancestor of the colonials, I meant they are your ancestors. So sorry.
February 4, 2008
Dear Senator and Mrs. Edwards,
Thank you. I don’t usually write political candidates, or celebrities, or for that matter, anyone, even my own family except for a short email here and there. But I wanted to take a minute or two out of my day and thank you both. Whether you ever see it or not, at least I will have organized how I feel and set my thoughts on paper.
I am a democrat. I say that proudly. I have supported the nominee of the Democratic Party, voting in every election, since the time I was of legal age to cast my first vote. I have not always been able to be excited about my candidates, but you have changed all of that.
My husband and I came to know you in the 2004 election, gladly supporting you as the vice presidential candidate. I watched the convention eagerly, and was surprised by the keynote speaker, Barack Obama, someone I had no previous knowledge of. I was impressed and excited, and told my husband at the time “here is our first black president”. When the candidates started announcing, I realized for the first time in I can’t remember how long, there were actually multiple candidates running that I might be excited about supporting. Although you were my first choice in 2004, before you joined with John Kerry, I remembered the stirring keynote address from the convention, and could not yet commit my full support to any candidate in this new election.
My husband Paul is very active, he devotes a lot of time to our local democratic process, registering voters, walking precincts among other things, and committed early on to your campaign. He joined One Corp, went to meetings twice a week, he phone banked, he belonged to numerous email lists devoted to your campaign. He used his vacation time from work to travel to Iowa this year and work for you for the week before the caucus. He landed in Des Moines just after Christmas, and went to the Steelworkers Union to see what needed to be done. He spent New Years away from home, tromping through the snow and cold, and making calls. He called me from outside the Union where he had just heard you speak to your supporters inside. His voice was full of emotion and excitement, he told me “Honey, he is the real deal!!” Such high praise from him, really. He called me every night to fill me in on all the weeks’ activities. He spent days going from door to door and talking to the people in Iowa about you and your message. He spent evenings listening to you speak when he could. He can be seen on your website, on one of the video’s from a thank you speech you gave at the Steelworkers Union saying “it smells like victory!” after having spent a day out in the snow going door to door talking to people. He spent caucus day and evening helping out at one of the caucus sites, completely charged with emotion, and having so much fun! I texted him early returns while I sat home in our nice warm house in California and watched the results come over the television. The excitement was so contagious! I had listened to you, listened to your wife, listened to my husband, all of you talking about the hope for the future of our country. I had become committed without half trying. The hope and promise of your message filled me with pride in my country, something sadly lacking for the last seven years. You had become my first choice for President, slowly perhaps, but irrevocably.
Two weeks after the Iowa caucus, my husband was once again on the road, this time for just a weekend in Reno. Later we watched the results, disappointed, but not completely surprised. One after another as the results of the all the states primaries and caucus’ came through we adjusted our expectations for how things might turn out.
We spent every evening of the debates on the couch, usually with a bowl of popcorn between us, watching, cheering you on, groaning with disappointment at the way the pundits and media either ignored you or dismissed you. Heartened every time you said you were in it until the convention, hopeful that every time the people would see past the “historic” possibilities for the candidates and realize you were the strongest candidate overall.
Then, you suspended your campaign for President. Heartbroken is about the only word that really describes how I felt as I watched you speak from New Orleans. Not because I felt that you hadn’t given it everything you had, but that now I will have to choose someone else to speak for me. What I had once deemed a blessing, a multitude of choices all equally capable, now seems to be a poor list of second choices.
Our primary is coming fast, tomorrow I cast my vote. I thought a lot last night about who I might choose to speak for me in the coming years. This time it is personal, not just voting for the one person who can beat the Republicans. I did that in 2004, and was so disappointed by how John Kerry just gave up on us at the end. I have decided that no matter what, I continue to choose you and your message. Tomorrow I will mark my ballot for John Edwards for President, and I am very proud of that.
I want to thank you Senator Edwards, Elizabeth, and your entire family for sharing your vision and for the years you have given to this fight with us. I want to thank you for giving my husband the absolute joy of supporting and working for someone who is “the real deal”. The excitement in his voice when he called me from Iowa is something I will not ever forget. You have given back real hope to this country, and more particularly, to my little family here in California.
I hope that you had at least some of the same fun campaigning that we had supporting you. It was a great ride, and while I wish it had ended differently, there is always next time, or so I tell myself! And we are still holding out hope here in California for perhaps a Vice Presidential nod, or some other post that will utilize your talent and stamina! And if you decide to run again, remember there are people here in California who will work for you in every capacity we are able to.
Patricia Huntley
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